Originally Posted By Hemi_Joel
Obviously, the lesser you pay for a CCW crank, the more worth it it becomes. Ohio crank sells a billet 4.5 for $1650. I would assume that has center counterweights. Or you could look for a good used alcohol crank. I scored a used moldex billet stroker with center counter weights, checked straight and crack free, for just over a grand. That was worth it in my opinion.

Agreed. But not all alcohol cranks are CCW. The question is "Do I need this for a 1,000 hp N/A combo that is only going to turn around 7,000 rpm?"

If I'm not spinning it to the moon, and I'm not boosting or adding nitrous to make 1,500+ hp, how necessary is a CCW crank? To me, changing out bearings at the end of the race season wouldn't be a big deal, if that's all there is. But if the engine runs smoother and develops more power due to less torsional twist, it might be something to consider.