OK - I finally got the video to load of the test session on the Demon last week.

All launches: Air:8.0, Rear shocks 4/4

1st launch
front shocks - full stiff, launch rpm 4600, 60' = 1.373 ---- short shifted the run 1-2 @ 5800, 2-3 @ 6400

2nd launch
front shocks - 3 from stiff, launch rpm 5000, 60' = 1.349 ---- short shifted the run 1-2 @ 6000, 2-3 @ 7100

3rd launch
front shocks - 5 from stiff, launch rpm 5400, 60' = 1.311 ---- short shifted 1-2 @ 6800, 2-3 @ 7100

Yes - I see what the front wheel is doing when it lifts in the air. I'll get that sorted out.
