2 days ago I was working on a new project that involved
me grinding on some fiberglass. Well I had my glasses
on but had them pulled down some. I was using my
electric grinder with a alum bit and after about 10
minutes of gringing I noticed the whole shop was
filled with dust... I didnt think anything about it.
But yesterday I could barely see, my eyes were all itchy,
well I had to go to the emergency today. The doc
said there were a bunch of scratches on both eyes
and are all infected. Damn... they hurt more now
then yesterday. I rinsed them out a few times yesterday
but I guess that didnt do much........ DAMN I am so
stupid at times. I still dont know what I could have
done differently except maybe have my glasses up
full on my face.
DUMB... DUMB.... DUMB ... sorry... just venting
and I cant sleep due to the pain and itchiness