I used to buy pushrod kits from mancinni and build all my own push rods, but the quality of the kits went south so I stopped buying them. The main issue is the inside diameter of the push rod and getting the proper press fit. Most of the tubes have to be reamed to get the proper fit. Use a lathe or be very careful with a die grinder and cut the outside until you can pull the tip out. Its pretty hard to square the ends up without a lathe once you get the cut to length. I have chucked them in a valve grinder and used a file to square them. I built a fixture to press them together, its a thick wall piece of tubing welded to a flat plate, the inside diameter is about .060 bigger than the pushrod tube. The tube holds the tube square to the press and helps from bending the tube while pressing, put the tips in the freezer for a while, and I warm the tubes with a heat gun, put the ends in and a couple pumps on the press and its done. Make sure you look at the radius on the tip where it goes into the tube, you usually have to take a bigger drill bit and put a champfer on the inside diameter to get the tip to seat fully on the tube. I have been giving Manton a basic length and they send me the push rods with only one end pressed in, so I can finish them myself.