Originally Posted By fast68plymouth
I think if the new management would have just come out and said, right in the beginning....."hey, look....... We need to generate some positive cash flow from the endeavor before we start filling back ordered blocks, and that's likely going to take 12-18 months".

Sure, there would have been whining....... But at least they would have laid it all out up front.

I agree. The handled the PR side of it poorly. The fact still remains the only hope these guys have of getting a block (because they won't get the money back) is the guys who bought up what was left of KB make enough money to fill the back orders.

It's absolutely incredible to me that grown men, whom, most of them is suspect are over 30 don't have the life knowledge to understand it's anything but a 3-4:1 ratio of new blocks being sold to back order fills.

To fill the back orders first would require the capital of a bill gates. That's what I'm saying. They have one hope.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston