Originally Posted By Neil
What are the options for refinishing the gas tank fill tube and 1970 ecs vent tube in the trunk? Looks like they have some sort of lead coating on them? Mine are still somewhat shiny, but full of scratches.

Once upon a time a swear I saw repos on Ebay, but I can't find any for an A-Body.

You could do your own if you have a good torch set up?, if the original is in good shape just heat the entire tube until the lead solder is wet, then wipe it with a folded rag dampened with water, you have to work quickly! long strokes in an orderly fashion

If the tube's original finish needs to be removed along with rust/etc, sandblast the tube clean, then polish the tube with sandpaper to about a 400 grit finish, to re-coat it in lead solder, you'll need to dip the tube in Stainless Steel flux (hydrochloric acid)prior to tinning it with lead solder