Originally Posted By Cab_Burge
Originally Posted By Twostick
All manual transmission 400's have steel cranks and are internally balanced.


Baloney sauce, they have the thin dampener that is full of balance holes on one side, same thing on the flywheels scope I've seen more than one 360 stick shift truck flywheel with 3 big holes drilled in the motor side, they, all 360, are EXTERNALLY balanced shruggy

I believe he is right Cab. Every 400 from the factory I have ever seen, in front of manual transmissions, had forged steel cranks and were internally balanced. The thin dampers, like the flywheels were drilled for balance but it was a neutral balance and not used on cast cranks.

You are correct about the 360. No 360's had forged cranks and all were externally balanced even if they had manual transmissions.

After 1973, the few 440's with manual transmissions from the factory (trucks are all I know of), had forged cranks and were internally balanced.

Am I an expert? NO! But I've pull a lot of those engines apart.