Originally Posted By Sinitro
Originally Posted By EV2RUNNER
The head is bolted straight to the block?

Yeah but...
The head and block float above ground..
They are isolated from being a solid, reliable ground as the 12V must try and flow through rubber insulated motor mounts to the car frame. A DIRECT grounding strap from the engine to the frame and/or firewall assures a solid ground connection.
Keep in mind, the starter draws > 100amps and without a solid ground for the 12V- other problems can/will happen..

Just my $0.02.... wink

Don't know what your doing, do ya?

What are you grounding the engine and body to?

The battery

a ground cable from the head to the battery is perfectly acceptable for grounding the engine including the starter. After all the factory grounded million of car that way. The ground between the block and body to to ground the BODY to the engine.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.