Originally Posted By MuuMuu101
Originally Posted By RylisPro
Good discussion with the CF theory and application!
Although some of it is just beyond my feeble mind haha!

What matters to me is 3 things:
A. Can carbon fiber fenders be leaned on like metal fenders when you are working on the engine?

2. Can carbon doors be slammed shut repeatedly like a metal door and not break in to millions of little carcinogenic pieces?

D. If both statements above are indeed true, is anyone else besides SpeedKore going to make good fitting carbon parts so I can figure out who to send money to?


A. I would imagine leaning on it would be similar to a fiberglass quarter. It really depends on how the panel is mounted, made, how thick it is, etc.

2. I haven't seen or played with a fiberglass door and haven't wrapped my brain around designing one. I'd imagine a new latching system would be in order and I wouldn't necessarily slam it shut.

D. As far as I know, no one makes CF parts for our mopars besides SpeedKore unless it's custom.


a. same relative thickness, quality, construction, YES, and as it is the intended purpose to be equal or stronger, even if one is built like Tiny Lund grin
b. need to address this early, nothing yet indicates CF has any proclivities towards being carcinogenic, yet, unless fine grinding powder/dust, which can be said for almost all materials, FG, concrete, PT wood, etc, so not a concern of mine. Biggest shortcoming of CF, is it can fracture internally/unseen and undetectable, big problem for high performance aircraft with CF construction, not a problem us.
c. I believe there will be a slow supply develops, as prices are high enough to get vendor interest, and that will come down as they realize its not that tough of a product to get out the door, and market competition develops. The good fitting aspect is inherent in the CF and epoxy,ie the post cure shrinkage and real world temp sensitivity attributes are inherent in CF vs FG/resin. Mold quality is still vendor based. twocents

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.