Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Originally Posted By hemi71x
Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Originally Posted By dd340
How often can evaporust be reused?

I got very little use out of it, seemed like a one shot deal, open to the air kills it the fastest imo resealible container might help

Oh ya, never heard that about Evaporust before. shruggy

Yea, even covered it didn't last long, depends on your wallet size.

My understanding on Evaporust is that it keeps eating on any rust particles in the solution even when put back into a sealed container, even when sealed from air. Also heard that straining or filtering the big and little chunks out of the liquid helps it last longer when not in use. Can't prove any of this by me as it's only hearsay on my part. I am still using that cheep old grocery store vinegar on things I need to de-rust.

July 19th should be "Drive Like Rockford Day". R.I.P. Jimmie.