the best part is this,,,,,I copy and pasted this off YelloBullet for you all to see what your "hero" has to say

"Originally Posted by 1FastMopar
Man, I better get my next project going, (Chevy powered altered) so I'm not so slow and strange..

Although I have met some GREAT people in the Mopar family, I HAVE came across a few of the people you mention, I figure it has to do with being the redheaded stepchild for 30+ years. One stopped in the other day, I wish I woulda' got a pic of him, looked like he just broke outta a mental institution, I stuck him on my employee and walked away! Every time I walked past I made faces at my guy, he was about to cry, he couldn't hold the laughter in, I think the guy was wondering what was up. Oh, its great to be the boss! "

Eddie (elvis 1FastMopar) Seems to think your all or at least most of you are all a bunch of clowns,Maybe you all should go over to the 'Bullet and read what he has to say about YOU ALL... ....i wonder if he is referring to the ones of you all that DONATED and helped him .....LOL LOL Im glad i never "donated" a dime to him

It really makes me laugh, all the people on here that used to defend him, meanwhile he says Mopar guys are all wierd LOL LOL

Last edited by n20mstr; 02/13/09 08:43 PM.