

As the letter from the director of PennDOT's Bureau of Aviation pointed out...

"The frequency and the number of facilities requesting automobile racing events
appear to have created a new industry whose infrastructure is being supported
by 'airport' capital improvement funding

Wouldn't we all like to be able to open a business and profit from it by using someone else's facilities?

I hope that the multiple individuals who enjoyed these activities will take their enthusiasm and move to the multiple, purpose built, and non-taxpayer funded drag racing facilities across the states of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

As far as you saying "Wouldn't we all like to be able to open a business and profit from it by using someone else's facilities?", this happens all the time. Do you realize how many businesses in this country rent the facility that they are operating out of? Just look at any shopping mall. Maybe even the company that you work for doesn't even own the building it operates out of.

These must have been a big $$$ maker for the event promoters.

I wondered how much rental fee the Flashlight Drag people were paying the airports and now I know (based on some information on the Greene County website concerning the 2008 agreement).

In exchange for holding the event at
the airport, the county will receive
20 percent of the spectator admission charges
and 10 percent of the racer fees.

Source: www.co.greene.pa.us

It is obvious that the airport operators don't have much of a head for business if this is all they were getting.

It also explains why the FLD promoters had set up a cottage industry using airport facilities as the PennDOT official described it.