Some clarification on the ball joint issue: there are indeed 2 different lower ball joints for trucks and vans. The difference isn't related to which type of vehicle but rather which front suspension package it has.
There is a light duty front end and a heavy duty front end. The light duty is found on all halfton and most 34 ton vehicles. The heavy duty is found on most 1 ton and some 3/4 ton. Point Bering,bwhat the badges say is basically irrelevant, even the gvw stickers are iffy. You need to look at the parts.

The quick visual I'd is the tie rods. A long sleeve with 2 short ends is LD. A long inner tie rod with a short sleeve and short outter tie rod ius HD.

Note, pretty sure the truck arms are all flat and van arms have the pocket. Again different arms depending on axle package.

Angry white pureblood male