I'm really on the fence about this. I am likely going to need a vacuum pump for my 340 to power the brakes with the solid roller in the 245 int/250ex duration range. I am also going to have to get a little creative with my alternator mounting with swapping over to a GM 3 140amp 3 wire and mounting it to D side with my P/S to keep the procharger on the passenger side.

The vacuum pump isn't a big deal, but it got me thinking of weight. My steering box is also a little sloppy and my bank account is near empty LOL. I am really contemplating just going to a manual master cylinder and swap to manual steering.

How do you guys feel about doing this on a street car? How much weight does manual everything save over power everything? I have skinnies up front so I figure steering it shouldn't be THAT hard, but I really don't want to feel I'm getting a work out every time I drive the car and I don't want the brakes to scare me (more than a tiny front disk/rear drum setup on a high powered car already will anyway).

The main thing stopping me from just trying it out is that it appears some dummy fiberglassed the whole brake booster into the firewall, so I am a little worried at what I am going to find if I try to rip that out. If I did the swap, I am pretty sure I could make whatever money I spend on the box and master on selling my old parts, and I save $250 on a vacuum pump.

Last edited by 1mean340; 10/06/16 09:32 PM.