I'm putting together a mild street engine... Camshaft is Comp CL21-223-4, which is fairly close to a stock HP camshaft.
Jimmy what I would do is swap em around & get the preload as even across the board as you can & call it good. I think you will be fine as is. I absolutely would not grind the rocker arm shaft holes oblong (if I am reading that right). PS has the JB weld come loose from the dist slots yet? could happen any time now. EDIT if the rockers are the only thing that ain't "square" in this equation (& good possibility that is the case), you might not get em very much closer to equal by swapping em but I don't see a problem & it is worth the try

Last edited by RapidRobert; 10/05/16 02:15 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth