Last night at Edgewater they ran the King of the Track, in which the Summit points winners in Super Pro, Pro, and Sportsman make single passes and the best package wins a wally. First up was Prochamp, who won this deal last year with a .009 package (!), this year he was on the negative side with a .005 red and .009 under ET, so by rule he is out.

Next up is Pozest, who rips a .003 on the tree, but his car slows up on him and his package is .035.

The should-be final run was a dragster, which ran dead-on his dial but the driver missed the tree, they announce his package at .033, and we all return to the pits to get ready for first round thinking he is the winner. But no, Edgewater has a knack for quirky things happening, and the announcer says his math was wrong and Pozest and the dragster have actually tied at .035. The printers at Edge only show 3 digits, so they tell them to come back up for another run. The drivers agree to race for it instead of packages. Pozest goes green and takes the win light against a very late-leaving dragster. But wait, we're still not done! The dragster driver is throwing a fit because they forgot to turn on the crosstalk! You can't make this stuff up. So the track owner is there and he calls it a tie and each driver is to get a wally. Congrats to Pozest for the King of the Track!