Originally Posted By J_BODY
I so wish Shiloh (Whitedart) could have made it.... Steve Sherman was ripe for a picking that night. He was there for the taking!! Car wasn't up to par at all.
yes unfortunately we went out Thursday night.To Grudge race the Mustang and do some exhibition run 4 match race Madness. Irwindale comp our entry.. and by the second pass we lost high gear in the Powerglide... I guess it wasn't meant to be which is a bummer after all the hard work. I would like to thank all those that have helped.. you guys know who you are.. now I gotta get to work and fix this.. it looks like me and Steve will face off here in the next month or so.. so I gotta get back to work and fix this mess


In the 8s N/A.with Brett miller W8's
5.07 at 133 at 2700lb