OK here we go again, LOL whistling

Myself, I had a two post and hated the instability, having to set the legs and several other drawbacks. This is in MY opinion Only.
I went to a four post and haven't looked back other than to know that I can do things with the 4 post that I could not on the two post.
Their are some limitations to the 4 post that can be argued till it's cold in h-ll but after 15 years of running a shop with the 4 post we have been able to get around them with jack trays, bottle jacks, and jack stands.
If I had the room for 2 lifts I may have one of each but because I do not I'll stand my ground on the 4 post. Safety and knowing that the 3-5000 lbs is on solid steel ramps and locked at all 4 corners makes me warm and fuzzy. As previously mentioned, whichever way you go, do not buy a NON CERTIFIED Lift.

twocents beer