
The 403 Olds ? ... did you use them bone-stock? .. no mods to the piston deck or pins ?
The KB's that were mentioned ... these are forged ? ...
Now on the top ring location vs top of piston ? .... what is the minimum spec? (no spray or boost)

Nothing yet it's just on paper(& in my head ). I am a quench fanatic & I cant get it with all the combo's I dreamed up so using the olds piston my be out & they are a dished piston so I'd have to machine the outer perimeter down. the pins are .9804" another problem, then buy the cutter & notch for valve clearance but maybe not needed as I had plannd on a stock cam. Sometimes I thrive on misery & as mentioned this might be one of these occaisions but I cant see $1899 for a 440 source kit when I just want to throw together a BB for a daily driver 65 dart(hence the cast pistons) plus their kits MAY or may not need more work. I didn't catch the KB ones you mentioned but they are probably hypers & it'd be on their site to easily access. standard ring gap would be ~.004" per inch of bore dia(top ring) unless it's a KB hyper then maybe .0065" per inch but check their chart and .003" per inch of bore dia on the 2nd ring. EDIT oh you asked about location as in if you'd mill the tops? I dont know the ans on that.

Last edited by RapidRobert; 01/31/09 11:03 AM.

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