yea,they are well used,and I hammer them hard

I will try a deep pan on the one I am puting in now

I had every thing from pumps to bands to clutches go at one time or another

I think your right cause it seems to be the WOT 1-2 shift that takes its toll on them for me

then its keep adjusting the bands up till it no worky again

most seem to be the KD band,this last one started whinning and is preety loud,stops when its in park

drove it 40 miles after sitting allday and nothing...then another few miles it starts the whinning..let it sit awhile and it is quit for a mile or 2.....sounds like the pump on this one

I just picked up another A999 out of an 87 dippy that has been rebuilt not long the jy said

they are poop IMO and they are not working for me

I am looking for a 727...anyone got a good one?

but good luck with yours