Originally Posted By ScottSmith_Harms
We have a machine at work that works off of the same theory. We use it to polish EDMed surfaces to a mirror like finish. It will slightly round sharp edges if you aren't careful. We use it on hardened steel.... usually Rc 56-58.

Correct, these work in the same way as EDM (Electronic Discharge Machining) does, EDM's have been used in the building of hard steel injection mold making for decades). I see this as a cool new way to do a dirty job. Someday the prices will drop and we can have one in our tool boxes.

Hope it won't be long, gotta lot of rust and I'm getting old and lazy.
I can see this would be great for shaving and cutting grass, ideas are endless

Last edited by cudaman1969; 03/17/16 08:44 PM.