So I have an 88 dakota short cab long bed. I'm gonna need a winter project since I can't really do too much farm work when that happens. In order to get ready for that winter project I need to start gettin' some input and research done.

I'm going to use that dakota as my base. Thing is I don't want the original bed or body. I'm looking to create something ugly as sin to the average person. Add my own flair to what will eventually be my daily driver.

I want to keep it as a pick up truck. I don't mind if I have a cab and bed that aren't from the same make or model. I just want cool ideas of what I can start to look for throughout this year.

I do kind of want the smaller inside bed, where the wells are just on the outside of it. The cab is just a simple two seater and I don't mind if it looks like say a 39 plymouth car. In all honesty I'd prefer if it looked like a car up front and truck in the back.

Kind of like a patinaed vehicle mullet.

The mechanic parts I can easily do. I've just never done a body or bed swap yet so don't know what I should be starting to find in those regards. So any help would be appreciated.

It's not meant to be a racer in the slightest. I drive like a grand mother since Texas cops are dicks generally.