I understand the issues believe me. Removing that equipment has always been a federal violation period. Taking off an air pump, transplanting a Bb where a SB was. Building a HP motor and putting it in a newer car, all those things have been federally illegal for ions. That is nothing new. This does go quite a bit further but also echoes much of the standing law already. I also second what Andy says, these cases routinely get thrown our of court as the EPA oversteps its authority. In many states Smog inspections are state administered at state facilities so no good guy deal there. Most also have a cap on dollar amounts needed to receive a waiver. The key is these are state administered programs not federally run programs.

Like I said before this is the biggest reason to support SEMA and its member organizations. They are the lobbying body for this kind of legislation. Calling your Congressman or Senator is a good idea too, but not sure it will matter given how things are done in this city anymore.
I have had to deal with the EPA directly for years in my job working in and for the USAF. There is no reasoning with them, it is there way or the highway, meaning their interpretation of the law as they choose to read it at that particular time by that particular inspector. One of the reasons they loose so many suits is the inherent overstepping of their authority. Very well known in industries that deal directly with the EPA that they rule the world or at least feel they do.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"