Originally Posted By mgoblue9798
HRD, create a post, then click on file manager.
It will take you to your pic folder, then add the pic you would like.
I just figured it out myself.

My system works a little different... after making
the post.. hit file manager, then hit browser, once
the pic is found on your puter double click it, then
hit add pic, then hit done adding files..... hit submit...
on the port work... the MAIN concern is the bowl area.. that
is what those templetes are good for.. they dont even look
into the runners... then its a gasket match and try to run
the match up as far as you like... I usually bend all the way
to the bowls.. the bowl is the best performance area along
with a good multiple angle valve job... if you get the valve
job done have them do a good plunge cut with the big cutter
and thats what you blend in.. look at the edge just below the
valve job and blend that