You have a hard decision to make, but here is what I am learning as I do an ebody. You and your son shouldn't consider your time as a cost because your going to have to put 100's of hours into it. Buy the best you can afford, I have a bad habit of only going with the cheapest part. So I've gotten to buy several things more than once. People will sell you stuff that may fit but it sure doesn't look right. As you progress, the nicer it starts looking the more you want to do. Parts that were good enough when you started wind up being replaced. I don't want to be all negative though, I and a good friend are having a ball doing my car. Its what I've always wanted and the satisfaction of doing what you can by yourself weighs against the cost. You and your son will have memories and time together you can't put a price on. 72 was the lowest production number year so your going to have something not a lot of people have and that should increase the value in the long run. At most shows there are none at least here in the southwest. What ever you figure the cost to be I would add 25%, as a first timer your going miss stuff. Thats my opinion. Let the bashing begin.