The last car I mini tubbed I recessed and boxed off a section of the wheel house to clear the deck lid hinge. This one was close but would have needed to get the same treatment. A friend of mine suggested if we cut off the pocket on the back of the hinge for the spring it would clear the wheel house and we could put a gas spring on as a replacement. We thought it could be mounted and hidden above the wheel house. I picked up a couple of 110 lb. fish scales on Amazon for $7 and hooked some small chains to the side of the hinge to pull on and figure what force was needed to lift the lid. The scales maxed out and it was obvious there wasn't enough arm to push from that point. After some head scratching we decided this would be the cleanest route to take. With 2 80 lb springs the lid will stay up on it's own, but I'm going to order 2 more similar units with 100 lb so the lid will lift on it's own and stay up in a breeze. It's not as cool as fat tires, but kind of fun to make it work with crap laying around the shop. The springs are $25 for the pair.