


correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there plenty of subframe connectors on the market that DON'T have to be recessed into the floor?

Yes but they cost more and are not as strong as the ones that keep their square shape and go through your floor.

I agree with this 100% and that is the way my last 2 connectors were in a Dart and a Super Bee.

Next question is. Without a cage, does it need to be that strong? How much thicker does it need to be compared to the factory frame?

All I see it doing is transfering load of the rear frame into the front frame. Since the entire deal is flat (no cage), not seeing too much torsional strength anyways. Like a pick up truck.

So are you guys saying that the MP subframe connectors and the ones they sell through Mancini are no good and dont add any benefit to the chassis itself??
These have been used by many racers for a long time and they seemed to have worked everytime. I am not saying that installing them through the floor pan is not better but I feel that these do work and will stiffen up your Mopar.