People were amazed to see me, two races in a row grin Everything was smooth sailing, we definitely have our Wisconsin routine chops in order. Saturday, got bumped out by .005 mov in the 2nd round....could have used a Sneaky Pete.. Sunday, made it to the semi's in the Gambler's. Worst light of the weekend (.021), plus worst 60' = I lose. Funny thing, the guy who beat me that round, is 10 years older than me. 62 in the spectator lane, 72 in the tower lane! I don't think that's very common.

Last winter, I started studying some sports psychology, acepting that I have fear of success syndrome. I started breaking down the racing process, into external, internal, wide and narrow focus. I have never been on the tree and the stripe, as well as I was these two 2015 outings. .005 to .021, in 10 hits. It definitely has helped. I encourage others to give it a shot.

Next year should be a blast. I hope to travel to TBoomer land, and maybe, make 1 Mopar specific event.

Thanks for reading!