Somewhere on here in the past, someone posted how they inserted a metal rod down in the oil galley passage on the back of the block that intersects the driver's side(?) lifter galley passage. This is the same galley passage some people either plug off entirely, or put a plug w/ a small hole in.

The rod was described as having been turned down enough to allow for oil to get around it, but still large enough to act as a restrictor for the lifter galley passage. By doing this, the poster was able to get the idle oil pressure back up to something more "normal", which IIRC they said had dropped dramatically as the result of using roller lifters having cut-away bands in the bodies.

Instead of bushing the lifter bores, is this a reasonable "cheap fix" to use if the style of the roller lifter body may expose too much of the lifter galley and, as a result, drop the oil pressure? I know the IMM lifters I own, and similar COMP lifters, have been used successfully in unbushed blocks (440Jim, Brian at IMM), but once in a while there have been posts by people (such as the one I'm referring to) who have used the COMP cut-away lifter and did experience oil pressure loss. Thanks - Brad