Originally Posted By J_BODY
your choices of turds to polish never ceases to amaze me.... but THAT is one COOL looking Rampage P! Hope that baby runs smooth and true! Working in that humidity is HE77! I'll take my 120+ fairly dry climate any day.

I use to work out there every year at the peak of
the heat for fuel hot testing... I'd be out there
over a month out at the proving grounds so I know
the heat... every year the humidity was climbing...
last time I was out there the humidity was up to
35*... no idea what it is now days.. with all the pools
and and all the other things.. I have no clue what it is
now... but its still way lower than here... 65% is a low
day in the summer here.... but I had to work on it.. so
I lost a few pounds LOL ...... Oh my turds... I just cant
stand big boats.... I already have a boat.. but it floats..LOL