Hello all!

Well its been a long off season but the Pulling season has started for us! In the off season we didn't do much. We went alum Hubs all around and changed our braking system. Saving a total of 120 pounds. Thats rotating mass so it's an extra bonus of weight savings that goes to the front of the truck. For the engine we didn't have much to do. Last season we only put 12 runs on it so just a quick inspection and a Change in Valve springs. We also changed the converter again to get a better take off, which was the big problem last season.

We pulled two days this weekend. Got 3rd the first day and 2nd on Sunday. Really happy with how it ran! The video you will see the engine ran 8900rpm.

Other big engines that were there was
Hell Raiser= 650ci Steve Schmidt Hemi
Rock= 650ci Steve Schmidt NEW style Wedge engine
Maybe Baby= 650ci Wedge engine
On the road again= 650ci Profiller engine
and us= 650ci Goodwin Billet Hemi

Enjoy the video!


if that link doesn't work try this
