Here's an interesting read on that subject. "breakin secrets" at For motorcycle rings but applies to all & an excellent brief read. EDIT After reading this & some thought my take is: Brad Penn breakin oil/gun it many times during the breakin (read breakin secrets)/change oil to synthetic if desired/filter then drive it the way you intend/built it for (street/race/cruiser etc). You have 1 shot to get a quality ring/cam breakin & after that whats left to "breakin"??, nothing that I can see especially if it is true that the ring/cam breakin takes place completely (good/so so/bad) pretty much close to 100% only in the initial breakin procedure. (2 cents)

Last edited by RapidRobert; 05/21/15 02:19 PM.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth