Got my PTC modded converter back and trans is in the car as of tonight. Still need to bolt on the extras, driveshaft / starter/ etc..

The fine young man at PTC told me it will stall about 4500 . Perfect.

Thats what i want and thats what i told the hacks at Dynamic last year. I didnt race ONE day in 2014 thanks to Dynamic Transmission.
The 1st time i got the converter back , it stalled at 6200.
Sent it back (on my dime) and then it stalled at 3500 .
UN-acceptable, never again. And yes, they had the exact info on my entire combo from day 1 .

I hope to fire up my Dart next week and stand on the brake---Ill post back, but I will buy everyone a steak dinner if this thing doesnt stall at 4400--4700 rpm !!!