
Does Jesel have a kit these days for a standard offset EZ head? When I put Jesel's on my EZ heads I had to do the design myself. Jesel was helpful and made some custom parts for me so the kit would work properly.

I could've saved some money by buying a kit ready to go. As it was I had to buy a bunch of parts and piece it together myself. I ended up using 16 exhaust rockers. The shafts and mounting bars came from the 440-1 kit.

Here is a link to the magazine article I wrote on the subject: http://www.hotrod.com/how-to/engine/mopp-1006-project-505-engine-block-jesel-comp-and-indy-hardware/

Andy, I was thinking they had a kit already made and available. If not, they're out of the question right now.

Adriel Paradise
Substation Design Engineer III