So, I had a few mins of extra time this afternoon (a rare occasion with 3 boys ranging in age from 2-7) and checked a few things out.

With the front wheels off the ground (suspension unloaded) and the engine running, there is no resistance turning either way.

Just letting it idle with the wheels hanging they don't move at all, which leads me to believe that the valve on top of the steering box is adjusted correctly (could be wrong though)

With the front wheels off the ground and jack stands under the lower control arms, engine off and steering wheel "unlocked" I turned the wheels by hand while under the car and there was nothing hitting and no difference in effort from side to side.

With everything back on the ground and the car idling and sitting still, I can barely turn the steering wheel to the right. Going to the left feels pretty normal.

My next two things to check I guess is adjusting the valve on top of the box and then get the alignment checked again.

Any more thoughts? (Going to try adjusting the valve tomorrow)
