
Keep the info you've learned to yourself when talking to the machine shop. Let them figure out what went wrong. In all honesty they may work with you and they may not. Trying to sue and threaten a civil case will just muddy the waters and you will spend more than $1400.00 anyway. Then there's the hassle and the BS. of he said...he said in court. If your time is worth anything pick-up another motor and put it in while you try and workout what's wrong with this one.

In todays society you might as well roll over and play dead...40 years ago he would have taken an a$$ whippin for what's been done. Gee isn't society so much better...

I wouldn't waste my time with a civil case. Costs more, takes more time, and I would be looking at getting a lawyer to help with all the bs. But I've been in small claims before and it's cheap, fast and I represent myself. It's only a $30 filing fee for anything under $1500.


Just me, what I would do is let them do it over. The threat of legal action likely will force them to do it right but I would not go that route up front. I would assume they have the knowledge to go it correctly but they put a newbie on it for some reason & pretty much fubared the rebuild or something (its hard to second guess peoples' motives). You do not have the money or time or desire to take it somwhere else. I would give them the chance to rectify it & very likely you will get a meticulous job this time (their a$$ is on the line). From what I have observed locally small claims court/lawyers/lawsuits take forever & cost more in time/anquish & still hard to get your money (small claims court) & is a good plan only in some cases. I've heard that alot of dealerships even have a percentage number for the number of comebacks they anticipate having to correct in a fiscal year & how much that will cost them. Most customers dont stand up for themselves & if you are one of the ones that do they will (very) likely take care of you. Firm/no shouting constant regular pressure is the key. cool/calm/regular contact/firm/non threatening insistance. You're an actor and you have a part to play. Good luck with it & post how it turns out. On a side note what I have seen that works in severe cases is an ad in the paper badmouthing their service/parking a lemon car in front of their dealership/demonstrating with a sign in front of their business on the sidewalk (demonstration? permit may be required) . Good luck bro

For sure. I haven't said a word about small claims to them and I wouldn't until I was sure I would have to go that route. I've won in small claims before and I realize it can be difficult to get the money you have been awarded. I won against a person I was renting a room from for my deposit. I won, but I never got the money. But that is my own fault. I just never went back to the courhouse to file the needed paperwork to get the person's wages garnished.

Last edited by Instigate; 03/17/15 04:38 PM.