


What could I have done to be sitting here with a good running motor

Not much you could have done, did what you could.

Funny that you would actually believe that after getting a motor back from a shop and discovering that the entire valve train is installed incorrectly, and the freeze plugs leak, that common sense would not lead you to check the bearings.

Sure the OP did not do anything wrong. Unfortunately, it looks like he will either get his money back, or the same shop will fix this motor, and likely not without some anguish. Hardly a good outcome.

Honestly, good luck to the OP.



Instigate, document EVERYTHING (you've already started), make a journal of all conversations/visits to the shop. KEEP the oil filter!!!

Then, if they continue to offer nothing,start taking your pictures around to other builders and solicit their recommendations---most, if not all will be quotes to correct the issues.

I predict you are heading to small claims court (that's a GOOD thing cause someone else is gonna fix your mill) and I predict a judge will quickly award the full $1400 back to you. Just my three cents.

For sure. I've been taking pictures all the way. And it's all documented on this board and RCC. So I can go back and remember what happened. I can totally see them trying to weasel out of this.


It sounds like the mains or rods ate the big one.

I know you feel like they should rebuild it since they messed it up, but if they didn't do it right the first time will they do it right next time or just slap a patch on it.

It needs torn down, meticulously cleaned, and all new bearings, including cam bearings. The bores are probably OK but I wouldn't reuse the rings. You will need to clean all the rocker shaft components and the shafts just in case any of that brass made it into those areas.

If they are telling you to run it a little more then I doubt they will take the time to clean it well enough and replace all the parts that may have embedded particles in them.

Sorry for the trouble.

Hope they make it right.

I know it. I know it. I do NOT feel good about taking it back to those idiots. But like I said before, I don't have the money to just pay someone else to do this job I've already paid for and I don't have the luxury of time to do it myself. If time wasn't a factor I would have done it all myself and just had the machine work sub'd. So unfortunately I feel like I have no choice but to run it some more like the fool says and when I change the oil again and it's the same they're going to have to rebuild it. And all I can do i hope that they care enough about it not coming back to do it right. I realize in their mind they're trying to get it out with loosing as little money as possible and yes, they will try to cut corners. But what can I do? If I don't do as they suggest it would hurt my case I think. I want to be able to say I tried to let them resolve it.


Only go to TJ to get your vinyl top replaced, not to get an engine rebuilt. Sorry to see the trouble you're having. I've been through the same thing 25 years ago, live and learn.

San Diego is not TJ..