Not sure this will help.... but I'll throw it out there. I had a Griner t-brake valve body and Cheetah SCS shifter. Testing the Duster a couple weeks back I "thought" I was hitting 2nd at the hit.... when in actuality the shifter was making the shift by itself. The Cheetah SCS is a "gate shifter" that relies on the detents on the "rooster comb" of the valve body. A shifter like my old Hurst Pro Matic II or a nice PPP is a ratchet shifter and the detents will be on the shifter itself. Great long as the shifter detents and the valve body detents line up (we had this issue once). What I did to attempt to alleviate this issue was to remove the valve body, removed the rooster comb and hit my first and second detents with a die grinder so the ball would fit deeper in the groove and shimmed the spring for the detent ball. I assembled it a couple of times and finally had it to where I could hardly shift it by hand on the bench. I put it in the car and hooked it up and now the shifter has much better "feel" and won't be shifting on it's own anymore. Might be worth a shot and doesn't cost anything but time

this was before I ground on the slots.... it doesn't take much.

....and this is the gate I have for the RMVB. I ordered a new gate for the clean N t=brake I have on the way.