Thanks Guys for the info.
Cab said I would be lucky to hit the 850 HP range. I would be OK with that but I have no HP goals with this engine yet. It is still in the planning stages.
I am guessing I can get the hat and blower for around 1500 from my talks with my friend. Nothing is finalized yet as I need to see if the stuff is good and will work for my plans. If it all needs a bunch of work I will give it back to him and just keep looking or buy new when I get to that point.

I am guessing the coupe will be less then 3000 lbs and I really don't have the desire to get everything needed to run 9.90 or faster but I will be Happy if it does. I don't think that ET will be that hard to run. The car will have a good cage in it for safety so if I get the desire to run it faster later the chassis will handle it.
I want the car to have a Killer look to it then worry about power after that.

Again Thanks as it gives me things to think about and check into. I Appreciate all the info. I didn't know what the air inlet temps would be like doing this combo so that info was good. Thanks