Hey, welcome to the site!

Wow, got any pictures of this Beast you can show us? Sounds right up my alley anyway.

A couple of suggestions for your brakes:

1. Expensive, but see if you can locate a wrecked SRT Ram and grab the whole braking system and anything else you can from it and adapt it to your truck.

2. Much cheaper, look into adapting a set of brakes off of a 3/4 ton truck.

As I'm sure you've noticed, the entire front-end on these is big, empty box. I've seen a couple of these trucks involved in front collisions and they fold like a carboard box, and so does the cab. I mean, from what I saw, they have horrible protection for the occupants. My opinion, You really take your life into your own hands if you start removing the inner fenders and going fiberglass hood.

Mo' Farts

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