

Your joking...right. There is nothing EASY about .4 pro tree racing. Most yahoos, as you call them will be a day late. Have you ever actually raced on a pro tree. If you have and were that good, somebody will give you a car to drive. The 5.0 6.0 and 7.0 classes around here are deadly. If you are not .00s or teens and dead on, you are dead meat.


If pro tree is so much harder then full tree why do 99% of S/C, S/G, Super Pro, and any other bracket racers leave off the top bulb with a delay box... It's because it's easier, and more consistant.

And I have seen it first hand. They tried going to pro tree in NMCA NSS a few years ago. Like I said, every yahoo that couldn't find their butt on a full tree, all of the sudden had a chance...

I don't run down in your index stuff, but you kind of make my point for me.

"If you are not .00s or teens and dead on, you are dead meat."

How hard can it be if a lot of guys are going 00's and teens every time. Even the best foot brakers in the world aren't that good on a full tree day in day out.

The only pro tree red lights you ever see, is when someone is guessing because they can't run the number to compete...Like I said, it would take all of the starting line competition out of it.

I'm fine with index racing, I've been involved with it for over 15 years. Moving the car to hit the number without electronics can be challenging. (Especially in late rounds during hot lapping) Nothing wrong with that.

And just to be clear, I'm talking about the pro and sportsman classes that draw the large majority of the cars. I just don't see how weaking existing classes would help the sport. That means lower payouts in the existing classes to cover the new ones.

It was the demise of the NSCA...trying to please everyone...

you have a lot to learn