

To the OP, buy another minivan. Gene

Yeah, a full size is going to suck fuel like you aren't used to, so another mini is probably a better fit.
Around here, they are going cheap, too.

Same problem though, gotta make sure the engine hasn't been run dry on oil or water, and the auto trans has less than stellar reputation.
Make sure to research which engines are best, some are good, some are less so.

As much as I miss my '93 Caravan, for various reasons, I don't want another. If I found a '93 Caravan Cargo Van in decent shape, I might change my mind, but, I see that as likely to happen as snow in July around here. I even thought about a new Caravan C/V, but, I don't want a 6 yr note right now.

Gas mileage? My Caravan with its 90HP 4cyl averaged 15-16 MPG around town. I figure the 5.2 in a full size should be around 14-15, no? Even out on the highway, my Caravan didn't start getting 20MPG or better until the final year I owned it. So, the mileage drop won't be as much of a shock to me as you might think.


The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥