Well, I got tired of following all the "how to lower your truck" threads and not having anyplace to apply it. So my son and I now have a '77 warlock project to spend a little time together before he graduates next year. Orange 2wd with a 318, previous owner did a lot of things differently than I would have. That's putting it politely. The coils have been severely cut down, so we're going with van LCA's and new springs along with a front-end rebuild. I have a good set of front coils that came out of my '99 Durango when I lowered it; they have the same overall diameter/ coil diameter as the '77, but I don't know how close in height they would be to the originals. Does anybody have one laying around they could measure? Or better yet, point out why they won't be a good choice? I haven't found any info to compare the spring rates, but they are both small block rigs... Just hoping to use the parts I have and save a dime for somewhere else.
Thanks, Karlin