
I use my significant other. Just did the same to my 67 Belvedere and it took us less than 15 minutes.
I have heard great things about the mighty vac but was too impatient to wait on it and took the chance that my wife and I wouldn't kill each other when I asked he to help.

I got my girlfriend when she was about 16-18 years old in like 1978-80 to help me bleed brakes, several times back in the day on my RT challenger. It didn't go very well each time we tried it. I'm sure I was very impatient and barely knew what I was doing.

It went so bad in fact that she taught both our daughters to never help bleed brakes 25 years later. She never forgot and said it was a bad experience for her back in the day.

By the time I was 24 or 25 I got a pressure brake bleeder and have doing them by myself ever since.
Here's some master cylinder adapters. It's great for flushing brake lines also which I use it for on my old cars.

Holds a gallon of brake fluid and has a diaphragm that keeps the fluid away from the air. I store it with fluid in it for almost 30 years now. It's been rebuilt several times with new hardware, the diaphragm is still original. It was used when I bought it. Actually I never bought it, a shop owner gave it to me when he was closing shop. He thought the diaphragm was bad, it wasn't. I helped him/hung out a lot at his shop for free before it closed.