I have an 06 Dodge 2500 with head light issues that confusing the heack out of me, sometimes I turn on the head lights and nothing comes on but if I turn the headlight switch off and then back on the head lights will work, also when going from high beam to low or vice a versa sometimes the lights go off, but when I hit the switch a second time the lights will work , I have checked all my wires and battery terminal all looks good, I went back to the dealer and got a new turn signal/high beam switch leaver assembly but it did not change anything the lights still go off, I am going to get a new headlight on /off switch to see if that helps but I have my doubts that its going to fix the issue but don't know where else to look,,,,,,,,,,,Anyone have a thought on this problem?????

btw the truck is in really good shape and only has 34,000 miles on it, I think this headlight problem was present with the first owner also.....