Thanks for the support but it wouldn't have mattered the guy I was up against went around the rules and mass voted on me. I was ahead by 75 votes at 3:00 pm then all of a sudden the voting flood gates opened. He was averaging 100 votes every 15 minutes. In 2 hours he went fro 185 votes to 678 votes. If you look at the judging it was close on all except on 2 cars the one I was against and a 1938 Chevy coupe that took off in the voting. The coupe went from being down by a bunch to ahead in a matter of an hour. All the other matches were really close. Massive vote hoarding from just a few IP addresses. RPM noticed what was going on and put a block one it by allowing1 vote per IP address. All votes still count so Dart Vader got the short end of the stick. With the voting being fair no neither one won't make it past the next round. Thanks again for everyone's support.