I knew and expected Fridays test n tune to be a cluster with that many cars but I wanted to get parked and for 25 dollars I'll take the three passes that were available. PRP can not be held accountable for cars blowing up and lack of maintenance on cars. I never in my life saw or expected to see that much damage. Now as far as traction, if you had issues I would suggest climbing under YOUR car and working on your suspension. I made it down to 3 cars Saturday and my 60 foot times were very consistent. For some reason I hear this issue coming from the 4 speed class almost every year but see guys yanking the front tires higher than I would ever allow one of my cars to go. My son even drove a stocker on Sunday for a Friend and it was leaving REAL hard. I know one thing, I had a great time. Oh and the Duster ran a "new best" of 9.91@131mph on the last pass Friday night.

1970 Duster
Edelbrock headed 408
422 Indy headed small block
5.982@112.56 mph

Livin and lovin life one day at a time