

Update from today....best pass was [Email]7.517@178.15.[/Email] Re-weighed and was really 2060 lbs. It runs the big end great! Thanks Tony!

With a correction factor of 1.22, you should be at least 1175 hp..

That's actual hp based on your ET and MPH..

Also, your humidity was way up there.. I see 1200+ hp out of this in good conditions....


Actually Chris, the correction factor was almost exactly 1.22, it was 1.24. That's what HP Boat racer was after and predicted. Thank God at least someone knows about these Predators! Indy was absolutely no help. They only care about what they're selling at the time you talk to them, information is nil. The cam was also spec'd for a 540 so, with an application selected camshaft, it should make more power.
Also, compression was down from where we wanted to be because we had to cut the domes off the pistons, as they were made wrong. I sure liked paying extra for for something I eventually had to pay more to have removed.
Oh well, I'm happy it is rocking now. Also spent a fortune on head gaskets, Indy wasn't willing to help, just dictate what should be bought from them, of course. Hemi block with Predator heads, is not as easy as it sounds, believe me. Flat out gaskets has them now though. I know, I helped in the creation of them!