

There is a SIMPLE fix to the Pro-Stockers "skating" around......Put some damn WING in the car. It is just so much easier to blame the track than to put enough wing in it to NOT be on the ragged edge of crashing because it might slow you down a hundredth. If a 10,000hp fueler can stay stuck, the track AIN'T THAT BAD.

Always the Pro-Stock guys complaining about track prep because they REFUSE to put wing in the cars


Monte,when you put that 1100 hp engine in your car even with out the NOS then you will understand after you make a few pass's!

Not sure what that means.....but OK. I have been faster in the 1/4 in a door car than current pro-stocks are by a bunch. And I know how much difference "just a little" wing can make from something being literally undriveable to going right down. Prep and conditions will NOT be the same from track to track, nor event to event at same track. So thinking that you may not have to change something on the car.........well that makes no sense.

Now if water was coming up, that is a totally different deal. My comments were based on the cries of "that track is junk and should be dug up"..........really? This is a multi million dollar facility. Do you really think if there was a problem with the surface that NHRA thought needed addressing, that Bruton wouldn't fix it......cmon.

As far as the Pro-Stock guys talking about the surface being bad.......they do it ALL the time at various tracks when it doesn't have as much top end grip as they would like. It's nothing new.
