Welcome to The Church of Evans.

Like many of the world's religions, the Church of Evans helps one to feel better about life. It offers a solution to some of life's problems, giving a means of coping.

The Church of Evans has very few requirements:
1. One must be willing to make a significant financial contribution to join.
2. One must never doubt the truth of the Church of Evans.
3. One must proselytize whenever the opportunity arises.

So here's my take on the Church of Evans: Many of its precepts are true indeed.
Water does boil at 212F at standard pressure.
Nucleate boiling does greatly reduce the heat transfer from cylinder head to coolant, in the area, however small, that the boiling is occurring .

However, some of its advantages are overstated.
Water in a cooling system is at 15 or so psig, making the boiling temperature more like 252F.
Nucleate boiling is much less common than the Church would have you believe. Water expands something like 1100 times in volume from liquid to vapor. Significant boiling will result in coolant being expelled from the system, i.e. boiling over.

I have had several loss-of-coolant events in my life. Heater hose, bad hose clamp, electric fan failure, etc. Lucky for me that I didn't have to replace $160 worth of coolant each time.

I do use propylene glycol in 50/50 mixture in my less expensive vehicles. It's known as RV plumbing antifreeze. I buy it for $4 a gallon at Walmart. Add a bottle of antifreeze renewer and I'm set to go.

There must be a MSDS for Evans coolant online, and no it doesn't contain holy water. Read it and see what you're paying for.
